Биржа цифровых активов МФЦА

Open digital exchange AIFC

Получение полной лицензии на ведение биржи криптовалют с получением двух лицензий Digital Assets Trading Facility и Providing Custody.

Для получения разрешения на открытие биржи криптовалют на территории Международного финансового центра Астана требуется получение двух видов указанных лицензий и определенное количество внутренних нормативных документов регулирующих как саму деятельность так и взаимодействия с финансовым регулятором.

Услуг по получении указанных лицензий процедура очень емкая и трудозатратная. Потребуется выполнить более 50 пунктов бизнес политик и правил ведения деятельности. Особое внимание требуется уделить назначаемым лицам, таким как MLRO и Compliance officer, CEO  и Controllers.

Юристы компании уже успешно сталкивались  с данными задачами и проходили процедуру авторизации в Финансовом регуляторе МФЦА.

Позвоните нам и получите профессиональную консультацию как открыть криптобиржу на территории МФЦА.


Open digital exchange AIFC

Obtaining a full license to operate a cryptocurrency exchange with obtaining two licenses Digital Assets Trading Facility and Providing Custody

To obtain permission to open a cryptocurrency exchange on the territory of the International Financial Center Astana requires two types of licenses and a certain number of internal regulatory documents governing both the activity itself and interaction with the financial regulator.

The procedure of obtaining these licenses is very capacious and time-consuming. It will be necessary to fulfill more than 50 points of business policies and business rules. Special attention is required to be paid to appointees such as MLRO and Compliance officer, CEO and Controllers.

Our lawyers have already successfully faced these tasks and passed the authorization procedure in the Financial Regulator AIFC.

Call us and get professional advice on how to Open digital exchange AIFC

mobile 87052929099

Operating a Digital Asset Trading Facility

Operating a Digital Asset Trading Facility means operating a facility which functions regularly and brings together multiple parties (whether as principal or agent) with a view to the entering into of contracts:

(a) to buy, sell or exchange Digital Assets for a Fiat currency; and/or

(b) to exchange one Digital Asset for another Digital Asset, in its Facility, in accordance with its non-discretionary rules.; and/or

(c) to buy, sell or exchange Digital Assets for a commodity.


General requirements



Minimum threshold 

Authorisation Fee (paid once)

70 000 USD 

*According to AIFC Fees Rules, the application may not be regarded by the AFSA as submitted, and therefore ready to be reviewed, until the fee has been paid in full.

Therefore, when the application is ready for submission, please send us a completed request for invoice (please follow the link to download the form) and after that we will issue the invoice for payment. If the payment to be made by a natural person, then please provide a copy of his/her ID as well.

Registration Fee (paid once)

Registration fee is 300 USD (paid once) if you apply via the self-service portal and 500 USD (paid once) if you apply on paper via registration@afsa.kz.


Supervision Fee (annually)

fixed fee 25,000 USD paid on a yearly basis and variable fee paid on a quarterly basis.


Prudential requirement

Digital Asset Trading Facility Operator must hold the following minimum capital:

The higher of (i) 200,000 or (ii) an amount equal to sufficient working capital in fiat currency to continue business for a period of 12 months, based on realistic forecasts for the business in different market conditions (both negative and positive scenarios)

*AIFC Rules on Digital Asset Activities (DAA) 2.2

Appointment of Internal and External Auditor


*AIFC General Rules 5.5.1.

*AIFC Financial Services Framework Regulations 109.

*AIFC Rules on Digital Asset Activities (DAA) 2.4.9 on a mandatory third-party audit of technology governance and IT systems

Organisational structure

  • Appointment of a Board of Directors
  • Appointment of approved and designated individuals (SEO, Finance Officer, Compliance Officer, MLRO, CITO)
  • Appointment of committees within the company (Risk Committee, Investment Committee, Compliance Committee etc.)

Policies and Procedures

  • AML Policy
  • Compliance Manual
  • Compliance Monitoring Program
  • Risk Management Policy
  • Remuneration Policy
  • Outsourcing Policy
  • Business Continuity Plan/Disaster Recovery Plan
  • Conflict of Interest
  • Internal Audit Policy
  • Code of Conduct
  • Business Rules
  • Cyber-security Policy
  • Membership Rules
  • Admission to Trading Rules
  • Systems and controls in respect of technology governance